Endless space 2 wiki vodyani
Endless space 2 wiki vodyani

endless space 2 wiki vodyani

All ships have a capacity which limits what they can fit. Transports and Corvettes are unlocked at the beginning of the game, whereas the other Ship Classes are unlocked through the Exploration & Expansion (bottom) Branch of the Technology Tree. Fleets can engage in Fleet Combat, where they enter into a battle with an enemy fleet. Ships move in fleets along star-lanes, the white lines connecting systems, and have a limited number of movement points each turn. Their slots tend mostly toward Weapon Modules. Other speeds will give different build costs. When upgraded, Hulls receive additional module slots, but these slots require additional Strategic Resources. By using this website, you agree to our use of cookies. Protector-role ships are unlocked by researching Efficient Shielding in Empire Development Stage Two. Roles and types of ships in Endless Space 2. Each Class has a reduction in the tonnage of certain modules, making them slightly more or less suited to different roles. Each ship has an assigned role that makes them attack particular ships in a certain order. Most Ships give a bonus to the Tonnage cost of one particular type of Module (like shields) or a group of Modules (like Support modules). Defences mitigate damage taken in by interfering with weapon projectiles. These ships cannot be manually controlled, and will automatically route across the galaxy. The number of ships in a fleet is limited to the Empire's max Command Points, which can be increased by technologies in the Military tree. The maximum number of ships per fleet depend on the number of command point used by each ship. I have created individual fleets for them and the ships are able to move using automated explore only. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Fleets have the same number of movement points as the lowest Ship in the Fleet. The Ship Classes in size order are as follows: 1. On basic Dreadnought that means 80 space, or about 10 weapons less for each module.

Endless space 2 wiki vodyani